It’s no secret that there is a connection between soda consumption and the way that it affects our teeth.
It’s no secret that there is a connection between soda consumption and the way that it affects our teeth. Excess soda consumption can lead to tooth decay. In addition to tooth decay, consumption of sugary drinks, like soda, can lead to complications with diabetes and obesity. Daily soda consumption is problematic, especially for children, teens, and young adults. A proper oral care routine starts early in life and it is often hard to repair enamel damage once it has happened. Therefore, it is vital to limit unhealthy foods and beverages that we drink. So, what’s so bad about soda? Keep reading to learn about how soda affects our teeth.
Soda is a Sugary Substance
Every top dentist will tell you that massive amounts of sugar and healthy teeth do not mix. When we consume a sugary products, the bacteria we all have in our mouths start feasting!! The oral bacteria consume these sugars and produce acids that damage our teeth, leading to a wide range of dental issues. Just like energy drinks, soda is highly acidic, wearing down your enamel over time. Well, you may be thinking that diet sodas are better, which is untrue. Even diet or “sugar-free” drinks contain acids. A big concern with soda is carbonic acid, which is present in all carbonated beverages, including the very common flavored seltzers. This acid overtime will break down enamel allowing bacteria to invade and cause cavities.A soda on occasion isn’t harmful, but don’t overindulge. Help the young ones in your life understand the importance of drinking water because their enamel has yet to fully develop. Weakened enamel can lead to tooth sensitivity which is unfortunate for the times when kids want to enjoy frozen treats in the summer.
Hydration Is Key
Any family dentist, like our doctors at Smile Designs of Olney, would agree that hydration is critical for healthy teeth and your health overall. Consuming sodas or any other sugary drinks can cause dehydration. During a warm spring or summer day, water can help revitalize you, refresh you, and wash away any bacteria that formed on your teeth during the day. If this plaque bacteria is not removed, the bacteria will continue to consume sugar, produce acids and quickly break down the enamel of your teeth.
What To Do If You Want to Enjoy A Soda
- Use a straw for drinking soda so that it lessens the contact time with your teeth
- If you are going to drink soda, drink the serving as fast as possible to lessen the contact time with your teeth.
- Don’t drink soda before bedtime
- Drink water or brush your teeth shortly after drinking soda
Come to Smile Designs of Olney for All of Your Cosmetic Procedures
For your smile makeover or any other dental needs, come to Smile Designs of Olney! Book an appointment with us. Whether you want your teeth whitened, straightened, or restored altogether, we pride ourselves in quality patient care and giving you the smile makeover that you deserve. Our small, professional staff will make you feel right at home. We service the Montgomery County regions including Olney, Laytonsville, Brookville, Silver Spring, Rockville, Columbia, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Germantown, MD. Contact us at (301) 260-0700, visit us online, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.