Routinely brushing your teeth will keep the bacteria away
Healthy and durable enamel keeps your teeth from decaying. It’s normal for this protective barrier to experience some wear and tear over time. However, there are many things that you can do to keep your enamel healthy. Today, we’re going to share those oral healthcare tips with you. Take these simple steps seriously and look forward to a vibrant smile and a healthy mouth.
Substitute Sugary Drinks and Foods With Healthier Options
Here at Smile Designs of Olney, we cannot stress enough that a poor diet is detrimental. When you overindulge in sugary drinks and foods, bacteria feed off of them. Acids found in sugary beverages and foods will soften and wear down your enamel. Chewy, sticky candies cause damage, and soft drinks are highly acidic. As a general rule of thumb, water is the best option. Water typically has a pH around 7, meaning that its pH level is not acidic enough to degrade your outer enamel layer. Water also helps to wash away bacteria and food residue that if left unchecked, acts as a food resource for bacteria to cause acid damage. In regards to snacks, vegetables, and fruits (that aren’t highly acidic) are the best option. Not only will eating healthier positively affect your overall health, but your oral healthcare will be in top shape.
Over-Brushing is Overkill
This oral healthcare tip may seem ironic. You may be thinking, “Shouldn’t I brush my teeth..a lot?”. Yes, you should. Brushing your teeth twice a day or whenever you feel the need to remove food particles or bacteria is what you should do. However, you have to be mindful of HOW you brush your teeth. Brushing too hard or too fast can wear down your enamel. As it relates to your gums, hold your soft-bristled toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, and brush gently. We always suggest short circular motions rather than brushing back and forth. Any back a forth motion is considered abrasive and will damage the enamel.
Take Care of Your Overall Health
Your health is your wealth. Being healthy is priceless and invaluable. Because the body is interconnected, other health issues will affect your oral healthcare. For example, if you have diabetes, not only will eating a lot of sugary snacks affect your endocrine system, but it impacts your dental health as well. Visit a top dentist like Dr. Mitchell Lomke or Dr. Joshua Lomke here at Smile Designs of Olney! It may help you discover other health issues that you need to address.
Come to Smile Designs of Olney for All of Your Cosmetic Procedures
For your smile makeover or any other dental needs, come to Smile Designs of Olney! Book an appointment with us. Whether you want your teeth whitened, straightened, or restored altogether, we pride ourselves in quality patient care and giving you the smile makeover that you deserve. Our small, professional staff will make you feel right at home. We service the Montgomery County regions including Olney, Laytonsville, Brookville, Silver Spring, Rockville, Columbia, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Germantown, MD. Contact us at (301) 260-0700, visit us online, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.