Invisalign is a tool used to help reposition misaligned teeth, giving you a smile that you can be proud of.
Invisalign is a tool used to help reposition misaligned teeth, giving you a smile that you can be proud of. Invisalign comes with health benefits that can prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Besides just straightening your teeth, Invisalign can correct underbites, overbites, open bites, and crossbites. If these issues are left unchecked, it can lead to cavities, missing teeth, gum infections, enamel degradation, speech problems, and difficulty when it comes to eating. When teeth are correctly aligned, it’s a sign that you have a healthy smile. Invisalign is critical to helping patients’ dental health. Keep reading to discover more of its benefits.
The Invisalign System is Convenient
What makes Invisalign so ideal is that it’s removable. You can brush your teeth and floss with ease. This system is the perfect alternative to traditional braces. You can eat in peace and also play sports without worrying about the discomfort of braces. Still, to protect your teeth during sports, top dentists, such as Dr. Lomke would recommend a mouth guard.
Invisalign Will Boost Your Self-Esteem
There are many benefits to wearing braces, but the reality is that brackets and wires aren’t aesthetically pleasing. Invisalign, like its name suggests, is almost invisible. Instead of brackets and wires, Invisalign uses medical-grade polyurethane resin (plastic) to straighten teeth, fill in gaps, and correct irregular bite positions. This system allows you to smile and not worry about your appearance.
Minimal Pain Occurs
Most patients take about a week at the most to become adjusted. With any cosmetic dental procedure, experiencing some discomfort is normal because your teeth are shifting. Some patients report that they feel a slight tenderness or pressure but nothing overwhelmingly painful.
The Invisalign Method Can Take Less Time Than Wearing Braces
Top dentists state that it takes about three years for braces to benefit a patient fully. Invisalign takes from six months to two years to fully work its magic. The first step is going in to see a top dentist that will give you a consultation. The proper diagnostic x-rays and dental impressions will be taken to accurately capture the current position of your teeth. A few weeks later, your Invisalign trays will come in the mail. The suggested period for wearing aligner is up to 22 hours. Trays will only be removed for eating and brushing your teeth. If the trays are not worn, the treatment will not work. Therefore, patient compliance is the biggest component of Invisalign treatment. Every two weeks you’ll get a new set of aligners. Following this procedure properly will not only give you a beautiful smile, but it impacts your dental health overall.
Interested in Invisalign? Come to Smile Designs of Olney for All of Your Cosmetic Procedures
For your smile makeover or any other dental needs, come to Smile Designs of Olney! Book an appointment with us. Whether you want your teeth whitened, straightened, or restored altogether, we pride ourselves in quality patient care and giving you the smile makeover that you deserve. Our small, professional staff will make you feel right at home. We service the Montgomery County regions including Olney, Laytonsville, Brookville, Silver Spring, Rockville, Columbia, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Germantown, MD. Contact us at (301) 260-0700, visit us online, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.